Signalling failures

Append /fail to a ping URL and use it to actively signal a failure. Requesting the /fail URL will immediately mark the check as "down". You can use this feature to minimize the delay from your monitored service failing to you getting a notification.

Shell Scripts

The below shell script sends either a "success" or "failure" ping depending on command's (certbot in this example) exit code:



/usr/bin/certbot renew

if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then url=$url/fail; fi
curl --retry 3 $url


Below is a skeleton code example in Python which signals a failure when the work function returns an unexpected value or throws an exception:

import requests
URL = ""

def do_work():
    # Do your number crunching, backup dumping, newsletter sending work here.
    # Return a truthy value on success.
    # Return a falsy value or throw an exception on failure.
    return True

success = False
    success = do_work()
    # On success, requests
    # On failure, requests
    requests.get(URL if success else URL + "/fail")